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Tập đặc biệt ngắn bao gồm trong các bản phát hành Blu-ray / DVD.
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note - Waver, Reunion, and the Magic Lantern, Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note - Special Episode
Saga Of Tanya The Evil
A Dark Rabbit has Seven Lives, ItsuTen, Thỏ Đen Bảy Mạng
WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me
Assassination Classroom: 365 Days (Movie)
Kami-chu!: Kami-sama wa Chuugakusei, The Goddess is a Middle School Student
Ghost Stories, Ghosts at School, School Ghost Stories
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R: Make Up! Sailor Senshi, Sailor Moon R: Make Up! Sailor Guardians